What is the American English word for ""ฉันทาสี""?



ฉันทาสี-I paintฉันทาสี-I paint
American English

I paint

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More "สี" Vocabulary in American English

American English

ฉันชอบ-I likeฉันชอบ-I like
ฉันพบ-I meetฉันพบ-I meet
ฉันคิด-I thinkฉันคิด-I think
ฉันโทร-I callฉันโทร-I call
ฉันแนะนำ-I introduceฉันแนะนำ-I introduce
ฉันพูด-I speakฉันพูด-I speak

Example sentences

American EnglishI paint a picture in art class.

How to say ""ฉันทาสี"" in American English and in 45 More languages.