How to say ""yo camino"" in American English and 99 more useful words.

Mexican Spanish

yo camino

yo camino-I walk.svg
American English

I walk

Learn the word in this minigame:

More "Ciudad" Vocabulary in American English

Mexican Spanish
American English

yo gano-I winyo gano-I win
yo salgo-I exityo salgo-I exit
yo compro-I buyyo compro-I buy
yo ando en bicicleta-I ride a bicycleyo ando en bicicleta-I ride a bicycle
yo salto-I jumpyo salto-I jump
yo corro-I runyo corro-I run
yo subo las escaleras-I climb the stairsyo subo las escaleras-I climb the stairs
pienso-I thinkpienso-I think
me encuentro con-I meetme encuentro con-I meet
bebo-I drinkbebo-I drink
yo como-I eatyo como-I eat
yo llamo-I callyo llamo-I call
yo hablo-I speakyo hablo-I speak

Example sentences

American EnglishI walk across the street.

""yo camino"" in 45 More Languages.

Other interesting topics in American English