How to say ""あるく"" in American English and 100 more useful words.



あるく-I walk.svg
American English

I walk

Learn the word in this minigame:

More "街" Vocabulary in American English

American English

かつ-I winかつ-I win
でる-I exitでる-I exit
かう-I buyかう-I buy
じてんしゃにのる-I ride a bicycleじてんしゃにのる-I ride a bicycle
ジャンプする-I jumpジャンプする-I jump
はしる-I runはしる-I run
かいだんをのぼる-I climb the stairsかいだんをのぼる-I climb the stairs
かんがえる-I thinkかんがえる-I think
あう-I meetあう-I meet
のむ-I drinkのむ-I drink
たべる-I eatたべる-I eat
でんわする-I callでんわする-I call
はなす-I speakはなす-I speak

Example sentences

American EnglishI walk across the street.

""あるく"" in 45 More Languages.

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