How to say "I walk" in European Portuguese and 100 more useful words.

American English

I walk

I walk-eu ando.svg
European Portuguese

eu ando

Learn the word in this minigame:

More City Vocabulary in European Portuguese

American English
European Portuguese

I win-eu ganhoI win-eu ganho
I exit-eu saioI exit-eu saio
I buy-eu comproI buy-eu compro
I ride a bicycle-eu ando de bicicletaI ride a bicycle-eu ando de bicicleta
I jump-eu saltoI jump-eu salto
I run-eu corroI run-eu corro
I climb the stairs-eu subo as escadasI climb the stairs-eu subo as escadas
I think-eu acho queI think-eu acho que
I watch-eu vejoI watch-eu vejo
I meet-eu encontroI meet-eu encontro
I drink-eu beboI drink-eu bebo
I eat-eu comoI eat-eu como
I call-eu telefonoI call-eu telefono
I speak-eu faloI speak-eu falo

Example sentences

American EnglishI walk across the street.

"I walk" in 45 More Languages.

Other interesting topics in European Portuguese