What is "I show" in European Portuguese and how to say it?

American English

I show

I show-eu mostroI show-eu mostro
European Portuguese

eu mostro

Learn the word in this minigame:

More Navigation Vocabulary in European Portuguese

American English
European Portuguese

I climb the stairs-eu subo as escadasI climb the stairs-eu subo as escadas
I watch-eu vejoI watch-eu vejo
I travel-eu viajoI travel-eu viajo
I ride a bicycle-eu ando de bicicletaI ride a bicycle-eu ando de bicicleta
I put down-eu pousoI put down-eu pouso
I fill-eu enchoI fill-eu encho

Example sentences

American EnglishI show the tourists where to go on the map.

Learn the word for "I show" in 45 More Languages.

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