How to say "I land" in Māori and 23 more useful words.

American English

I land

I land-ka tau ahau.svg

ka tau ahau

Learn the word in this minigame:

More Airport Vocabulary in Māori

American English

I travel-ka hāereere ahauI travel-ka hāereere ahau
I ride a bicycle-ka eke paika ahauI ride a bicycle-ka eke paika ahau
I put down-ka meatia ki raroI put down-ka meatia ki raro
I climb the stairs-ka piki ahau i te arawhataI climb the stairs-ka piki ahau i te arawhata
I show-ka whakaatu ahauI show-ka whakaatu ahau
I watch-ka mātakitaki ahauI watch-ka mātakitaki ahau

Example sentences

American EnglishI land at 5:00, but it will take me an hour to return home from the airport.

"I land" in 45 More Languages.

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