Gift Drops
American English to Estonian
Problems on the Road
Words for Problems on the Road in Estonian
Learn the most common words for Problems on the Road in Estonian. Click on a word for more information and translations.
American English
I'm sorry I'm late!
Vabandust, et ma hilinesin!
I had to shovel my driveway.
Ma pidin sissesõidutee lumest puhtaks lükkama.
I put in the wrong address.
Ma panin vale aadressi sisse.
My car wouldn't start.
Mu auto ei läinud käima.
I got stuck in traffic.
Ma jäin liiklusummikusse.
The road was covered in ice.
Tee oli jäätunud.
I hit a dead end.
Ma sõitsin tupikusse.
My car broke down.
Mu auto läks katki.
There was an accident.
Teel oli õnnetus.
I had a flat tire.
Mul läks rehv katki.
I hit every red light.
Ma jäin iga punase tule taha.
I had to make a detour.
Ma pidin ühe kõrvalpõike tegema.
I was stuck behind a slow driver.
Minu ees sõideti väga aeglaselt.
I honked at him.
Ma lasin talle signaali.
Parking was a nightmare!
Parkida oli kohutavalt keeruline.
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