Drops Press Office

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For press inquiries, contact: press@languagedrops.com

Press Releases

Drops makes language learning awesome with a new vocabulary collection inspired by “The Garfield Movie”

Drops (a Kahoot! Company) Launches new Catalan Language Course


Drops (a Kahoot! Company) Launches new Catalan Language Course

Drops (a Kahoot! Company) Launches new Catalan Language Course


Drops (a Kahoot! Company) Launches new Galician Language Course

Drops (a Kahoot! Company) Launches new Galician Language Course to celebrate the Galician language literature day.


Language Drops Becomes a Carbon Compensated Language Learning App

Language Drops, a Kahoot! Company, has announced that it is now a carbon compensated language learning app. The company has taken this step as part of its commitment to protect the environment and reduce its carbon footprint.


2023 Awards & Praise

Los españoles estudian cada vez más coreano y japonés

Los españoles estudian cada vez más idiomas asiáticos como el coreano y el japonés

Los españoles estudian cada vez más coreano y japonés, que ganan terreno al inglés

Best app for learning vocabulary

Romanian launch

Best Language Learning Apps for 2023

7 Best Apps to Learn Serbian in 2023

9 Best Apps to Learn Cantonese: Learn Quickly from Anywhere!

10 of the Best Apps For Learning European Portuguese

Language Learning Games Software Market International Business Analysis, Development Outlook and Regional Strategies 2029

Best language learning apps of 2023

These are the best apps for learning a new language

Frederik Cordes Of Drops On The 5 Things You Need To Know To Create a Successful App, SaaS or Software Business

La app de aprendizaje de idiomas Language Drops se convierte en una empresa que compensa su huella de carbono

Drops: How a Language Learning application will Daters Become Fluent an additional vocabulary & Attract Dates

Best Free Mobile Language Learning Apps

5 Best Language Learning Apps

Language Learning Tool Market Report 2023

2021 Awards & Praise

Workplace Talk

Travel Again! Travel Talk Feature

2020 Awards & Praise

Drops Joins the Kahoot! Family

New Languages and Features: Study with Amber

New Languages and Features: Droplets

Company & Executive Profiles

Product Reviews

2019 Awards & Praise


New Languages and Features: Ainu

New Languages and Features: Travel Talk

New Languages and Features: ASL

New Languages and Features: Greek

New Languages and Features: Samoan

New Languages and Features: Maori

Partnerships: Global Eagle

Company and Executive Profiles

Product Reviews

2018 Awards & Praise

Awards: Google Best App of 2018

New Languages and Features: Hawaiian

Company and Executive Profiles

Product Reviews

Past Awards & Praise

Product Reviews

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Language Learning Tool Market Report 2023